International Big Days

Internatioal Big Day

This is the Internat
Picture: The International Big Days In The World
ional Big Days in the world:

January 1: New Year AD

     Birthday of Prophet Muhammad (Islam)
     Lunar New Year (Chinese calendar)
     Nyepi (Hindu)
     Good Friday (Christian)
     Easter (Christian) - always coincide with Sunday
     Ascension (Christian)
     Vesak (Buddha)
     Isra and Mi'raj Prophet Muhammad (Islam)
     August 17: Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia
     Eid (Islam)
     Eid al-Adha (Islam)
     New Year Hijri (Islamic)
     December 25: Christmas (Christian)


     January 3: Day of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs [1]
     January 5: Navy Women's Corps Day [1]
     January 10: Day One Million Trees Movement [1]
     January 10: Today Tritura [1]
     January 15: Day of the Sea and Ocean Event or Day Dharma Ocean [2]
     January 25: Day of Nutrition and Food [3]
     January 25: International Leprosy Day [4]


     February 5: Day Seven Ships Event
     February 9: Today Cavalry
     February 9: National Press Day [5]
     February 14: Defender of Fatherland Day (MAP)
     February 20: Day of Indonesian workers [6]
     February 22: Day of the Istiqlal
     February 28: National Nutrition Day Indonesia

Stamps Philately Day Indonesia

     March 1: National Justice Day
     March 1: Day General Offensive in Yogyakarta
     March 6: Day of the Army Strategic Command (Army Strategic Reserve Command)
     March 8: Women's Day / International Women
     March 9: National Music Day
     March 10: Day of Indonesian Film Artist Association (Parfi)
     March 11: Today Supersemar (Supersemar)
     March 21: Down Syndrome Day [need citation needed]
     March 22: World Water Day [need citation needed]
     March 23: World Meteorological Day
     March 24: Anniversary of Bandung Sea of
     March 27: Day of the International Women's Club (English: Women International Club Day - WIC)
     March 29: Indonesia Philately Day
     March 30: National Film Day

Commemorative stamps Asian-African Conference

     1 April: Day of the World Bank
     April 6: Day of National Fisherman
     April 7: International Health Day
     April 9: National Aviation Day [7]
     April 9: Day of the Air Force
     April 12: Day of National Provisions Bring [8]
     April 16: Day of the Army Special Forces (Kopassus)
     18 April: Anniversary Asian-African Conference
     19 April: Day of Civil Defense (Hansip)
     April 20: The National Consumers' Day [9]
     21 April: Day of Kartini
     22 April: Earth Day
     23 April: Day Book
     24 April: Day of the National Transportation
     24 April: Day of the Afro-Asian Solidarity
     27 April: Day of Correctional Indonesia


     May 1: Anniversary Liberation of West Irian
     May 1st: International Labor Day
     May 2: National Education Day (Education Day) [10]
     May 5: Day of Rural Social Institutions (LSD)
     May 11: Day POM - TNI (?)
     May 15: Today Corps Regiment Mahadjaya / Jayakarta (Menwa Jayakarta)
     May 17: National Book Day
     May 19: Day of Disabled Veterans Corps Indonesia
     May 20: The National Awakening Day [11]
     May 21: Memorial Day Reform
     May 23: World Turtle Day
     May 29: Family Day
     May 31: World No Tobacco Day

Stamps of the World Anti-Drug Day

     June 1: Day of Birth of Pancasila
     June 1: World Children's Day
     June 1: National Milk Day [12]
     June 3: Day of the Indonesian Capital Market
     June 5: World Environment Day
     June 8: World Oceans Day
     June 15: ASEAN Dengue Day [13]
     June 17: Day Pier
     June 21: Day of Activities of Agriculture
     June 22: Anniversary of Jakarta (since 1527)
     June 24: National Day of Midwives
     June 26: World Day Against Drugs
     June 29: Day of Family Planning

National Children's Day stamps

     July 1: Day Bhayangkara
     July 1: Day Fruit
     July 5: Day of Bank Indonesia
     July 9: Day Palapa
     July 12: Day of Cooperatives
     July 22: Day of Attorney
     July 23: National Children's Day
     July 23: Day of the Indonesian Youth National Committee (KNPI)
     July 29: Hari Bhakti Air Force
     July 31: Birthday of the Corps of Indonesian Islamic Students (PII) Wati

Stamps celebrating 100 years of the Scout Movement stamp celebrating 100 years of the Scout Movement
Stamps celebrating 100 years of the Scout Movement

     August 5: National Women's Day Dharma
     August 8: Anniversary of ASEAN
     August 10: The National Veterans Day
     August 10th: National Day of Resurrection Technology [14]
     August 12: Air Force Women's Day (Wara)
     August 13: Anniversary base Brandan Lake of Fire
     August 14: Day of Scouting
     August 17: Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia (since 1945)
     August 18: Day of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (since 1945)
     August 19: Day of the Department of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia
     August 21: National Maritime Day


     1 September: Day of Women Police (Policewoman)
     September 4: National Customer Day [need citation needed]
     8 September: Literacy Day
     8 September: Day of the Civil Service
     9 September: National Sports Day [15]
     11 September: Day of Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI)
     11 September: Day 11 September 2001 attacks
     17 September: Day of the Indonesian Red Cross
     17 September: National Transportation Day
     September 21 World Peace Day [16]
     24 September: Farmers Day
     26 September: Day Statistics
     27 September: Day of Post Telecommunications Telegraph (PTT)
     28 September: Day Railways
     29 September: National Day Bachelor
     30 September: Day Movement 30 September 1965


     (Every Day First Monday in October): Habitat Day
     October 1: Miracle Day Pancasila
     October 2: National Batik Day [17]
     October 5: Day of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI)
     October 10: Mental Health Day
     October 15: Day of Animal Rights
     October 16: Day of the Indonesian Parliament [18]
     October 16: World Food Day
     October 24: National Doctors Day
     October 24th: United Nations Day (UN)
     October 27: National Electricity Day [19]
     October 28th: Youth Day
     October 30: Today Finance [20]

Teachers' Day commemorative stamps

     5 November: Puspa Love Day and National Wildlife [21]
     10 November: Day of Heroes
     10 November: Day Ganefo
     12 November: The National Father's Day
     12 November: National Health Day
     14 November: Day Brigade (Brimob)
     14 November: World Diabetes Day
     21 November: Tree Day
     Nov 22: Day of Land Transport
     25 November: Teacher's Day [22]
     28 November: Indonesian Tree Planting Day [23]
     29 November: Day of Indonesian Civil Servants Corps (KORPRI)


     December 1: World AIDS Day
     December 4: Today Artillery
     December 3: Day of Disabled
     December 9: Today Fleet, Anti-Corruption Day
     December 10: Human Rights Day
     December 12: Today Transmigration
     December 13: Day of the archipelago [24]
     December 15: Today Infantry [need citation needed]
     December 19: Today State Defense [25]
     December 20: National Social Solidarity Day [26]
     December 22: National Mother's Day
     December 22: Social Day
     December 22: Day of Women's Army Corps (KOWAD)
     December 25: Christmas Day

Thank You..


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